How to Evaluate a Women’s Health Clinic [Checklist]

You’re expecting — congratulations! It’s going to be an extremely exciting nine months. One of the biggest decisions you’ll need to make (besides choosing your baby’s name) is which women’s health clinic you’re going to trust for all of your prenatal needs.

From the initial appointment, to the actual delivery, and all the check-ups in between, you’ll be seeing a lot of your prenatal provider. Different clinics have different approaches to prenatal care, and it can be overwhelming to decide which clinic is the best option for you and your baby.

If you’re currently looking for a women’s health clinic, there are many factors you’ll want to consider. We’ve put together this checklist to help you evaluate potential clinics.

North Clinic Women's Center Lobby



Before you visit a clinic for the first time, make sure it meets these requirements:

My insurance covers visits at this clinic
The option to see a female provider if I prefer
I can switch providers at any time during my pregnancy
The clinic’s website has clear, helpful information about services
It’s easy for me to schedule an appointment
I know what to expect at my first appointment, and what information to bring with me



While you’re at your first prenatal appointment, make sure the clinic meets the following requirements:

The clinic is conveniently located
Appointments are offered at times that meet my needs
Parking is easy to find
Facility is modern and up-to-date
Clinic uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment
Waiting rooms are clean, organized, and calming
Staff is welcoming, helpful, and attentive to my needs
Wait times are short and I am a priority for my doctor
My doctor listens to me and addresses my questions and concerns
I am introduced to any medical providers who may be a part of my care
I feel comfortable with my doctor and the clinic’s atmosphere



Once you’ve arrived home, you should be able to confidently answer “yes” to the following:

I know when to schedule my next appointment
I feel comfortable with the length of time between appointments
I was given resources and information to help me care for my body and my baby
If I have questions or concerns, I know who to contact and the hours they’re available
Overall, I was satisfied with my experience at the clinic


It’s important that you feel comfortable with your prenatal care and confident that you’ve made the right decision for yourself and your baby. Check off these requirements to find the quality of care both of you need and deserve.

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